Holland’s fastest sprinters 60 - 350 miles (partnership formed 2014 - 2018), Smashing records, which have stood for 30 years.
9 x 1st Feds in first season 2014 beating all time record;
30 x 1st Feds in last three seasons 2016, 2017, 2018;
20 x 1st Combines in last three seasons up to 14,000 birds;
Another Record Breaking season 2018.
Another 10 x 1st Feds, the highlights being: 1st Combine 100 miles 12,900 birds;
1st Combine 120 miles 12,800 birds;
1st Combine 160 miles 6,200 birds; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Combine 14,000 birds;
1st, 2nd, 3rd Combine 290 miles 10,000 birds;
Plus 1st, 2nd, 7th NPO Nat Pointoise, 290 miles from 39,000 birds (daughter Starlet. Starlet daughter of QUICKSILVER